Beaver Valley Nitehawks Volunteers
We must be the “luckiest” organization on the earth because we have many, many, hard working volunteers who make the Nitehawks operation run smoothly.
There are upwards of 70 people who assist in the following ways:
Volunteer Position # of Volunteers
Drive and maintain the Nitehawks bus 2
Sit on the Nitehawks executive 12
Coach and assist the team 14
Billeting coordination and billeting 18
Oversee game night 2
Announce and keep time 2
Sell admission tickets 1
Ticket takers in rink 2
Program seller 1
50/50 sales 1
Security 5
Goal judges 2
Concession 7
Beer sales (purchasing, stocking, and selling) 3
Meat draw coordination and volunteers 12
Web casting 2
Social media 1
Season ticket sales 1
Marketing coordinator 1
I hope I have not forgotten any of the duties and I certainly would not attempt to name all of the volunteers because no doubt, someone would be forgotten. Every single duty is essential and the Executive is boundlessly appreciative. Without these volunteers, we do not exist.