Top Shelf: The KIJHL podcast for Jan.24

Welcome to Top Shelf: The KIJHL podcast. This week on Top Shelf, the ine+nutrition player spotlight is on Tyler Picha of the Spokane Braves. The Bench Boss segment features Terry Jones from the Beaver Valley Nitehawks …   Top Shelf: The KIJHL Podcast – S3 E16 – January 24 |

KIJHL Notebook: Kootenay Conference – Border Bruins enjoy strong first half

We’re on part 2 of the biggest win/individual performance or moment to end 2024 in the KIJHL Notebook, this week for Kootenay Conference teams. Eddie Mountain Division The Christmas Classic against the Fernie Ghostriders was a highlight for the Kimberley Dynamiters, said head coach-general manager Derek Stuart. “Just the environment and intensity surrounded by that, […]

KIJHL Notebook: Holiday Classic games

“I think anytime you’re playing your rival games around the holidays, I always find that kids and family have come home for Christmas and it feels like the hockey rink is a place to congregate. It’s a place where people go and they see lots of people, especially people they know and connect with over […]


The Nitehawks are among 20 teams in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League that compete for the Teck Cup.  We are proud to say that the eight KIJHL championships we have won are the most out of any active teams in our league. The teams compete to qualify for the playoffs in four divisions of five teams.

“Once a Nitehawk, always a Nitehawk.”  - Head Coach & GM Terry Jones


Some of the activities Nitehawks players participate in, on a weekly basis are; playing shinny with the disabled adult program, teaching hockey to youngsters in the Hot Shot program, mentoring less fortunate youngsters at the Sanctuary program, and taking down tables at the Lion’s Club Bingo. We also participate in Cancer Society fundraising, reading and playing shinny in elementary schools, and cleaning the highway as part of the Adopt a Highway program.


In our 37 years in the KIJHL, seven of our players have played in the NHL, 120 have advanced to Major Junior or Junior A, and 55 players went on to play at the college level. You can check out Nitehawks player advancement by scrolling to our Alumni pages.


Dallas Calvin is the all-time leading point producer on the Beaver Valley Nitehawks.

He achieved: 273 points in KIJHL regular season, 98 points in KIJHL playoffs, 10 points in the Cyclone Taylor BC Championships, 14 points in the Keystone Cup, which is 395 points in total.

The most remarkable thing about this offensive achievement is that Dallas played his final year of junior eligibility with the Trail Smoke Eaters.